LEED AP BD+C V4 Exam Practice Tests (Building Design & Construction) A. Togay Koralturk


SKU: 9780994618047 Categoría:

TEST AND REINFORCE YOUR KNOWLEDGE WHILE IDENTIFYING WEAK SPOTS! The LEED AP BD+C V4 Exam Practice Tests is designed to provide the reader with a real exam simulation presented through 3 full-length practice exams designed to assess and reinforce knowledge while simultaneously identifying weak spots. The exams have been prepared in the same scope and format as the actual LEED AP BD+C V4 exam, and the questions are based on the most important concepts to capture all the critical information encountered during the actual exam. The answers and discussions about the answer choices are carefully written to ensure that the test taker avoids repeating the same mistakes while learning much more than just the correct answer.The book provides complete coverage of all the test topics and assesses whether the test taker’s knowledge is up to the challenge. Regardless of how well the test taker knows the content, being exposed to the actual exam format should make a significant positive impact on the actual exam score. With the completion of the practice tests, the test taker will know the most important information needed for the exam.This book is strongly recommended for all who want to reinforce their knowledge, identify their weak spots, and become familiar with the LEED AP BD+C V4 exam scope and format. Increase your test score and ensure a first-time success on the exam Test and reinforce your knowledge while identifying weak spots Learn the most important information that you need for the exam Familiarize yourself with the actual exam scope and format Fill in the missing knowledge

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