Voices of Aloha Magical Maui is designed for2.6 millionvisitors , including many who love Maui who want to know more.Six sectionsare introduced by an essay about visitors’ unique passion for Maui and includea short history of polynesians, kings, queens, missionaries and sugar barons and those who make up the visitor experience. Featured:Native Hawaiians,Entertainers, Artists, Entrepreneurs,Hstoric Preservations and Colorful Characters. Based on the author’s popularawardi-winning column in Lahaina Newa, the volume isthe fourth ina series and serves as «a handy guide for anyone who has been ofnthe island 24 hours,» according to Maui Time Weekly. The lure of Maui which goes beyond the beach explains how a visit is oftentransformed intounique and genuine passion people have for thismagical place. Visitors returnagain and again. The bookis one of the few, if any, contemporary books to explore the lives of everyone from a bartender who has made 400,000 mai tai and a hostess who once posed for Playboy on a surfboard, a Grammy winner andentrepreneurs who operate the island’s premier and best catamaran sails,toresearchers who return each year to study10, 000 whales who migrate here every year.Readers will explore the fascination inthe downfall andoverthrow of the only kingdom onceon American soil and the the spiritualHawaiians and their views on the near destruction and now comeback of a rich culture. A final section includes a rare printing of the Apology Bill, passed by the United States Senate to apologise for the loss of thekingdom.
isbn | 9781944335564 |
Categories | Estilos de Vida, Aficiones y Ocio |
Author | Bezane Norman |
Editorial | Voices of Maui Talk Story, LLC |
Language | INGLES |
Edition | 1 |
Fecha public | 2017 |
Page Number | 230 |
ancho_mm | 152 |
Acabado | Tapa Blanda |