This second edition of Clarinet Secrets is a compilation of Distinguished Professor Michele Gingrass acclaimed books that spearheaded Rowman & Littlefields Music Secrets series: Clarinet Secrets and More Clarinet Secrets. It is the result of Gingrass thirty years of hands-on experience spent in the clarinet studio working with students. Learn practical and technical secrets about rapid tonguing and double-tonguing; circular breathing; sight-reading and transposition; reed fixing and repair equipment; improving tone, intonation, technique, and musicianship; contemporary techniques; classical and non-classical performance;performance anxiety; auditioning; career planning and marketability; and more.The concepts are discussed in a straightforward way, explained clearly, and illustrated with photos, diagrams, and musical examples. Easy to use and intended for the intermediate and advanced musician, this second edition of Clarinet Secrets is perfect for students in a class or private situation, professionals, or instructors engaged in pedagogical research.
Clarinet Secrets Gingras/Michele Gingras
66,61 €
100 Performance Strategies for the Advanced Clarinetist, Second Edition
isbn | 9781442276550 |
Categories | Arquitectura, Artes y Musica |
Author | Gingras/Michele Gingras |
Editorial | Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc |
Language | INGLES |
Edition | 1 |
Fecha public | 2017 |
Page Number | 224 |
ancho_mm | 178 |
Acabado | Tapa Blanda |